Repose Campfire
No more wet firewood…
The way life should be…
Cooking lobsters with Repose
Our Customers Are Talking
Don Shope, Southern Delaware
It’s been a couple months since I became a Repose Fire Log fanatic and have burned 800 lbs of hardwood pellets at this point. The Repose logs are dark but still work like new and I still love them. As do the friends and relatives I gave logs to for Christmas.
I buy my hardwood pellets at our local Southern States feed store for $5.17 per 40-pound bag. I’ll get three or four hour-long fires out of a bag. Although I often throw in a couple more scoops toward the end to keep the fire going longer. So very inexpensive entertainment. I was going through $25 of wood in an evening or two. The other thing is the remarkably small amount of ash. Very clean entertainment as well. Cleaning the fire pit takes about two minutes. Couldn’t be more pleased.
Every night at sunset, weather permitting, I take my dogs out to run around, crank the tunes, and enjoy a nice fire for about an hour. And occasionally enjoy a sip of bourbon in the process.
My point is that my life has embraced the fire and I believe it is good for my soul. The contemplative act of sitting peacefully and enjoying a fire until it burns out is very – lost for words- refreshing, energizing, peaceful. And I owe a lot of that peace to you and your logs. The system works! It’s clean, inexpensive and wonderfully enjoyable.
Brigid Gore, Principle Trainer, Mission Ready Mutts, Inc., Georgetown, South Carolina
I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with your product.
We moved from CT to South Carolina a year ago. I purchased your logs because we have a wood stove insert in our fireplace and also have huge issues with bugs and snakes living in the wood pile.
I’m pleased to tell you that I can go to Tractor Supply and buy pellets that are used for horse bedding. These are pine and not recommended for pellet stoves. BUT – they burn beautifully in your logs AND they smell nice!
Your repose logs light easily, burn for a long time and I do not have to fight the bugs and SNAKES to stay warm. Thank you for a simple and reliable product!
Darwin Maring, Mineral, VA
Your fire logs are a quality made product and we use them all winter long in an air tight wood stove and in the basement, in an antique pot belly stove.
Pellets are clean burning and leave virtually no ash. And using your baskets with the pellets sure beats chopping, splitting and carrying wood not to mention the cleanup mess it makes.
Matt Edwards, Winchester, VA
Wow! I have to say I’m impressed. What a brilliant idea. Have used these several times in my fireplace and they are perfect. My wife loves wood fires but the smoke from real wood often sets me off on an allergy attack. The wood pellets are perfect. The logs burn great and they really do cool off quickly, so it is quite easy to fill them back up again.